This is how it looks when our kids play on the rope swing that I hanged on our nut tree.
neděle 7. prosince 2008
neděle 23. listopadu 2008
121 - Love
I was not sure what or how to grasp the theme of Love this time. And suddenly we were sitting in front of the notebook and its webcam. My daughters were eager to see themselves in it and we had awesome fun as we tried to capture some funny grimaces. I then only cropped them, used Picasa to make a collage from them, and was amazed by the result...
pondělí 10. listopadu 2008
120 - Complete Stranger
This older lady inhabits one of the remote hamlets in Romanian hills. She is watching other two gentlemen who clean the horse hoofs. All of them spoke only Romanian, so we did not manage to have a chat.
sobota 8. listopadu 2008
119 - Photo of choice
I spent beautiful two days skiing in Austrian Alps last weekend. The picture shows the view from the top of the piste.
středa 5. listopadu 2008
118 - Pyramide Composition
I was lacking behind recently, but it was due to some travelling and hiking in Romania. Here are two pictures captured there.
neděle 19. října 2008
116 - "L" Composition
We went out with the kids to fly the kites today. Not always was the wind strong enough
to keep the kites in the air, like on the picture.
pondělí 13. října 2008
115 - Night
I was about to do some small work on the yard this evening when I noticed the beautiful spider web just under the nozzle of our old water pump. The work was forgotten and I hurried for the camera. The scene behind the house in the garden was quite spooky, the dense mist and the full moon trying to break through it. Just when I took the picture below, the camera batteries gave up.
neděle 12. října 2008
pondělí 29. září 2008
neděle 21. září 2008
112 - Tools
I noticed this "sign" of cozy pub along the walk in old Prague. All of them used to be tools of the chefs and cooks. Then, long, long time ago...
sobota 23. srpna 2008
111 - Patterns
The harvest is over, the stubble fields are decorated with the rolls of straw. I got out to try my photographer luck with these scattered rolls and there I noticed the pattern how the grain was planted.
středa 20. srpna 2008
110 - Macro
I found many words for this bug in the dictionary - cock-chafer, maybug, maybeetle, dumbledore. Which is the right one?
neděle 3. srpna 2008
neděle 27. července 2008
108 - Photo of Choice
We went to a hills in the north of the country, to the place I haven't been in years. The mist was covering the hilltops and as we climbed uphill along the creek and its waterfalls I had often a feeling as if I was in some rain forest...
pátek 25. července 2008
107 - Relative
There goes the picture of my father.And here I played with filters a little and I somewhat like the outcome.