neděle 7. prosince 2008

122 - From Another's Perspective

This is how it looks when our kids play on the rope swing that I hanged on our nut tree.

neděle 23. listopadu 2008

121 - Love

I was not sure what or how to grasp the theme of Love this time. And suddenly we were sitting in front of the notebook and its webcam. My daughters were eager to see themselves in it and we had awesome fun as we tried to capture some funny grimaces. I then only cropped them, used Picasa to make a collage from them, and was amazed by the result...

pondělí 10. listopadu 2008

120 - Complete Stranger

This older lady inhabits one of the remote hamlets in Romanian hills. She is watching other two gentlemen who clean the horse hoofs. All of them spoke only Romanian, so we did not manage to have a chat.

sobota 8. listopadu 2008

119 - Photo of choice

I spent beautiful two days skiing in Austrian Alps last weekend. The picture shows the view from the top of the piste.

středa 5. listopadu 2008

118 - Pyramide Composition

I was lacking behind recently, but it was due to some travelling and hiking in Romania. Here are two pictures captured there.

117 - Rule of Thirds

neděle 19. října 2008

116 - "L" Composition

We went out with the kids to fly the kites today. Not always was the wind strong enough
to keep the kites in the air, like on the picture.

pondělí 13. října 2008

115 - Night

I was about to do some small work on the yard this evening when I noticed the beautiful spider web just under the nozzle of our old water pump. The work was forgotten and I hurried for the camera. The scene behind the house in the garden was quite spooky, the dense mist and the full moon trying to break through it. Just when I took the picture below, the camera batteries gave up.

neděle 12. října 2008

114 - Locks

This one is from the church in the neighbour village.

pondělí 29. září 2008

113 - Clouds

I made this one a couple of weeks ago and saved it for this topic...

neděle 21. září 2008

112 - Tools

I noticed this "sign" of cozy pub along the walk in old Prague. All of them used to be tools of the chefs and cooks. Then, long, long time ago...

sobota 23. srpna 2008

111 - Patterns

The harvest is over, the stubble fields are decorated with the rolls of straw. I got out to try my photographer luck with these scattered rolls and there I noticed the pattern how the grain was planted.

středa 20. srpna 2008

110 - Macro

I found many words for this bug in the dictionary - cock-chafer, maybug, maybeetle, dumbledore. Which is the right one?

neděle 3. srpna 2008

109 - Photoshopped

neděle 27. července 2008

108 - Photo of Choice

We went to a hills in the north of the country, to the place I haven't been in years. The mist was covering the hilltops and as we climbed uphill along the creek and its waterfalls I had often a feeling as if I was in some rain forest...

pátek 25. července 2008

107 - Relative

There goes the picture of my father.

And here I played with filters a little and I somewhat like the outcome.

středa 23. července 2008

106 - Friend

On the way to a football match.

úterý 22. července 2008

105 - Textures

104 - Treasures

sobota 5. července 2008

103 - Food

Alias two rockers in tune...

pondělí 30. června 2008

102 - Cold

I apologize, it's so hot outside and actually everywhere that it's almost impossible to think of anything cold that could be captured as a photo. I decided to turn to my archive instead of wasting time. Here is the picture from the Baltic sea. We strolled along the beaches on 25th December last year and our kids seemed to not pay attention to biting northern wind and went for the playing with the frozen sand...

sobota 21. června 2008

101 - Photo of Choice

sobota 14. června 2008

100 - Hot

pondělí 9. června 2008

99 - Openings

The picture is from the grand opening of the EURO soccer championship that started on Saturday in Switzerland.

úterý 3. června 2008

98 - Glass

Is missing glass also "glass"? ....

97 - Lines

Once more inspired in the local railway station...

čtvrtek 29. května 2008

96 - Shadows

The picture is from the 30th of April, from the Beltane celebrations, though I doubt many people know today what does it mean and how ancient this festival is. Nevertheless, making big fires on the eve of the 1st May have a good tradition here, they are held in every village and town. Also in ours. Great attraction for kids, this time the main fun was to stay or run through the dense smoke spreading from the fire.

95 - Feet

pondělí 19. května 2008

94 - Photo of Choice

Recent late-afternoon photo from Sumava Hills, where we were kiting with my friend.

93 - Hands


středa 7. května 2008

92 - Paths

The last geocaching hunt brought me to quite a wild piece of land, to the delta of little creek at the lake, actually a marshland with narrow streams and pools of water everyehwere that I had to cross over not so stable and wide "bridges".

91 - Life

I love how the nature is awakening. We were on the trip last weekend and we passed a place on a meadow where the bees and other insects were really humming above the yellow flowers. Then back at home, a short while before it started raining (that's why the sky is so dark), our flowering apple tree bathed in the last rays of sun and again the diligent little creatures were humming in the treetop.

neděle 4. května 2008

90 - Death

89 - Urban

Less than fifty years ago these villages around Prague were independent isolated islands and the "city" was far, far away. But the city has been hungry and it wanted new grounds for new apartments for more and more people. And so it happened - the "city" swallowed those nice small villages, they became part of the metropole, here and there surrounded by ugly block of flats like in this case.

sobota 3. května 2008

88 - Directions

87 - Photo of Choice

I'd call it A Mountain, like El Capitan from Yosemite Valley.

pátek 25. dubna 2008

86 - Photo Essay

Our girls borrowed inline skates. Both of them, because they got inspired by their friends from neighbourhood. The initial excitement did not last long though. Mainly Alice gave up after the tarmac hit her behind a couple of times. Klara was little more determined, but eventually both swapped the inlines for their bicycles. As Germans say - Sicher ist sicher....

85 - Signs

I got stuck on this topic. Now I decided to go on...

neděle 20. dubna 2008

84 - Groups

We had an "Earth Day" celebration, or gathering, today on nearby hill, the pilgrim place. Number of people from the villages and towns from the closest region. The children from kinderartens and schools have prepared some performance. I hoped for some great opportunities for groups topic, but it was eventually not so easy to achieve it. Here are my attempts.

First, the pupils are preparing to rush on stage and to start their performance.

Second, the spectators, in big number the families and friends of those who perform.

sobota 19. dubna 2008

83 - Animals

This cock was really evil, sharp as a razor. I was afraid to go near him, not speaking about my daughters. He was this proud when he chased away another competitor on the yard.

sobota 12. dubna 2008

82 - Architecture

A part of the modern city hall in the district of Prague where I work. I like both its architecture and also the fact that it already has a public nickname "Laskonka", which perhaps cannot be translated but it is a sort of local favorite cookie and the building resembles it to some extent.

81 - New

Klara had a birthday yesterday. And we promised she would get a new bicycle. She had to try it out right on the parking lot. Brand new. Not a single speck of dust...

neděle 6. dubna 2008

80 - Photo of Choice

From yesterday's walk with my children.

sobota 5. dubna 2008

79 - White on White

It's getting warmer and the trees are beginning to show the first blossoms. And I thought, white petals against white sky - why not to make it a topic?

78 - Eyes

These eyes caught my eyes the other day when I walked to the office different route.