středa 30. ledna 2008

24 - Architecture

I took a camera to work with me because I had to go downtown to the bank, and I hoped there could be a chance to take some pictures of architecture. However it was already dark when I got out from the bank and I had to refocus from the bigger views to the detail, where there was enough light. I was lucky. The first picture is a fragment of the beautiful functionalistic front face of the Czech National Bank that was designed and built in 1930's by one of the best Prague architect Frantisek Roith.

The second photo shows the windows of the Municipal House, built in one of the best examples of Art Nouveau style in Prague (my favorite period in architecture). There is a wonderful café behind the windows. If you sit there, you suddenly feel like you moved back hundred years...

1 komentář:

dust and kam řekl(a)...

I LOVE architecture. Frank Lloyd Wright being my favorite - and these sorta remind me of him! I really like them!

I wish I were an architect. It's funny when you find out what you really want to do - after you have made up your mind on something else!